Goose campstaff seminar 2019

This year camp staff seminar was hosted by our Danish member Houens Odde. The planning team consistent of Lars and Rikke Marie (Houens Odde), Diana (Nocrich scout centre), Jan (Bucherberg) and Ewoud (Papa Goose).

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With participants from Vassaro, Drave, Buitenzorg, Bucherberg, Kapraluv Mlyn, Burg Rieneck, KISC, Houens Odde, Naesbycentret, Scoutscentrum Rotterdam and Zellhof a good part of the network was present at the seminar.

During the preparations we had several Skype meetings and decided to do some small changes to the program and had our last meeting at Wednesday at Houens Odde. Also part of the participants arrived on Wednesday and the last ones arrived on Thursday during the afternoon. The evening started with one of our great meals we enjoyed during the seminar.

The Thursday evening we spend to get to know each other and the information about the Goose Network and the possibilities within the network. We took some time to explain the meaning of an exchange and visit other centers.

photo2 staff seminar 2019On Friday morning we had the Green Day. It started with a tour to the A-center where we did all kind of different nature activities guests from Houens Odde can play. Also they showed us their new nature workshop and their surroundings which is a new nature reserve area.

Also we have been introduced during lunch to Vekla. This is one of two weeks at Houens Odde where the volunteers come to Houens Odde to prepare for the upcoming season. We had a great lunch together

In the afternoon Natasja and Pia gave a very inspiring workshop about the SDG’s. We worked with the different SDG’s and made some program for on the centers for working with the SDG’s. There was a group busy with thinking about introducing a SDG badge on the scout centers. Another group has thought about a possibility to reduce or ban food waste on the campsites and the possibility for a food bank for new groups arriving at the scout centers.

In the evening we enjoyed the presentations from each centre during my center my country. Because there was a German group preparing their summercamp and we invited the volunteers from Vekla it was pretty busy during the evening.

On Saturday we continued with the Scout Center Day. We did all kind of activities in the morning like axe throwing, archery and team building. Where during the afternoon we played the Goose game and went out on the sea. Of course we also took advantage of the great sunny weather during the day to do some important networking.

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During the evening we looked into a new workshop regarding the hazards and risks at a scout centre during the Scout Center Safety, and ended the evening with an informal gathering and the possibility to look at a documentary about the ecological footprint of eating meat.

During the last full day we had a packed program with all different kind of workshop. We went from challenging yourself during “the life begins at the edge of the comfort zone” to discussing about different topics during the “market of possibilities” and tools for managing projects.

After a festive dinner we went on for the closing ceremony. Unfortunately due to a very dry nature, we weren’t allowed to make any fire, but the have a great chapel at the campsite. After all we can look back to a great seminar. A lot of information, experiences and of course fun is shared between the centers and participants.

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Thanks to everybody who made it possible to have such a great seminar.

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